Happiness In Your Tiny New York Apartment

In New York City, space can be exceptionally hard to find, especially when it comes to real estate. Although it can feel like you live in the smallest apartment in existence, you can still make it a place that brings you comfort. When you personalize your apartment to your taste, it becomes more familiar. Whether it be through color, scents, or artwork, happiness can be instilled everywhere you look. Here are some fun and simple ways to find happiness in your apartment no matter how tiny it may be.

Bring nature indoors

Adding some vibrant plants or flowers to your apartment will immediately bring in a sense of calm and happiness. If you choose to add fresh bouquets of flowers to your space, the colors will certainly bring a new sense of life and brightness that was not there before. Flowers are known for relieving stress and uplifting moods. I couldn’t recommend the flowers hack more.

Plants are also a great way to bring joy into a living space. Apart from the sense of calm and relaxation they bring, they will also oxygenate the air and make the room feel less stuffy. Having a sense of the outdoors will keep your mood up, and it does not take up a lot of space whatsoever. During Covid, a study showed that people who had plants did not experience depression and anxiety as significantly as those who did not. 

Hang mirrors

Mirrors will add light to the room and bring a very elegant look into your small space. Apart from the classic aesthetic the mirrors will add to the area, it will also help with making it seem a lot more spacious than it actually is. A tip is to hang the mirror across from a window if possible. You can find some great one-of-a-kind mirrors on Etsy. If you are not picky, you can simply find one at IKEA or Target. 

Fill your space with good scents

Never underestimate the power of a scent. From making you feel relaxed, to bringing feelings of nostalgia, a specific fragrance can be quite powerful. Candles are a great way to add an instantly good smell. Certain fragrances are known to release feel good endorphins as well as serotonin when the smell travels to your brain through the nose. Scents that are most commonly known to have positive effects are lavender, citrus, and rosemary, although the one that smells best to you will probably bring you the most happiness. Another way to add a good scent to your space is by using essential oils. There is no right or wrong fragrance, so just go with what you find the most pleasant. 

Collect meaningful artwork

Adding a piece of sentimental artwork will immediately bring happiness to you every time you see it. The artwork does not need to be a collectible piece that s you 6 figures, but rather something that means a lot to you. The best way to get a piece is to have a friend or family member who is an artist (or at least isn’t a bad one) make you something that brings back fond memories. You will never regret having something hanging on your wall made by someone you love. This is sure to fill you with instant joy every time you look at the artwork. 

Cook and bake

You can never go wrong with freshly baked cookies or a new pasta recipe. No matter how small your space is, having fresh-made meals and baked goods will always bring a smile to your face. Not only is the act of cooking relaxing and therapeutic, but there is nothing like the smell of a home cooked meal and Chocolate Chip cookies coming from the kitchen that will bring happiness into a home. A study published in Journal of Positive Psychology, suggests that those who spend time doing creative projects have a happier and positive association with their everyday lives. Baking cookies is always a fun and simple go-to if you are not in the kitchen too often.

Play good music

Have good music playing in your apartment at all times. Make sure to have a good playlist, and constantly have it playing in the background. Music is an instant mood booster, and no matter the size of your space, you can always dance along to some of your favorite songs.

According to Psychology Today, “Listening to music can instill calmness and relaxation, as indicated by reduced cortisol levels and lowered heart rate (de Witte et al., 2020). A large-scale review of 400 studies showed that playing and listening to music also improves the body’s immune system, reduces stress, and promotes social bonding (Levitin, 2013).” Although everyone has different tastes in music, I would stay away from any music that might bring up a sad emotion. Upbeat songs that make you want to dance are what is best to have playing. 

Start a gratitude journal

Keeping a gratitude journal is never a bad idea. It takes minimal space, and really helps with reflecting on what you are grateful for. It is best to do this before bed in order to think back and write a few lines about what you were grateful for that day. This might seem simple, but it is something that surely will bring happiness, and does not require much space at all. It puts you in a positive mindset and has you focus on the good things that are going on in your life. To start a gratitude journal you can use any type of journal you would like. From there, you simply write the date and what you are grateful for. I would also recommend keeping it by your bed so it is easy to access every night. This is an easy and effective way to find happiness.